Full Name: Mohamed Chande Othman
Date of Birth: January 1, 1952
Education: LL.B (Hon), University of Dar Es salaam, 1974.
M.A (International Relations) Webster University, Geneva, 1982.
Other Training: Certificate, The Hague Academy of international law, the Netherlands, 1983
Career: Former chief of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR)
Ex-prosecutor General, (UNTAET) Timor Leste (1 June 1999 - 31 July 2000).
A Judge in the High Court of Tanzania (Dec. 2003 – Oct. 2004).
Justice of Appeal (The Court of Appeal of Tanzania), (16/08/2004 - 6/02/2008).
The Current Chief Justice of Tanzania (2010 - ).
Accountability for International Humanitarian law Violations: The Case of Rwanda and East Timor, Springer Publishers, Heidelberg, Germany, 2005.
New Approaches in International Criminal Justice: Kosovo, East Timor, Sierra Leone, Cambodia, (Eds. Ambos, K, and Othman, M), Max Planck Institute of Foreign and International Criminal Law, Freiburg, Germany, 2003.
"Defense Practices and the Khmer Rouge Tribunal", in Bohlander, M, Boed, R, Wilsn, R.J, (Eds.) Defense in International Criminal Proceedings, Transitional Publishers Inc., N.Y, 2006.
The Protection of Refugee Witnesses by the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, International Journal of Refugee Law, Volume 14, No.4, May 2003.
The Gulf Wars and Termination of Captivity for Prisoners of War, Revue de Droit International des Sciences Diplomatiques et Politiques (The International Law Review) Jan-Mars 1993, 11-36, Geneva, 1993.
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